
Monday 1 April 2013

Another CAS(E) Card

Hi All,
I made another CAS card for CAS(E) this Sketch#21 using the color combo at Dynamic Duos#46

I recently bought a punch & was waiting to use it on a card, take  look at how!!!
I loved those tiny punched shapes glue all over the black embossed paper.

Also linking this to CAS on Sunday#5

Thanks for stopping by & take care!!


  1. Oh fun! Love the gingham ribbon and the pink fleurs des lis! That must have taken some time and effort! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CAS(E) This Sketch this week!

    1. Thanks you Ardyth. Yes it did need some effort but I loved working on this.

  2. Such a bright, cheerful card. I love the fun patterns and textures you used. Thank you for joining us at Dynamic Duos. ;-)

  3. What a fun card. I love combo of the gingham and texture. Thanks for joining us at Dynamic Duos this week.

  4. Such a sweet card! Love the bold colours! Glad you had fun with your punch!

  5. Fab color scheme, love the fun patterns :) Thanks for playing this week at CAS(E) this Sketch!

  6. Lovely card, really beautiful! Thank you for joining our challenge at CAS on Sunday!
    Mariken xx

  7. Love the bright, bold look of your card, and lots of lovely texture from the gingham. Thank you for sharing your card with us this week at Dynamic Duos.

  8. Wow! This is gorgeous, the punched shapes, embossing and bold colours are a perfect match Tanvi.

  9. What a pretty card ;o)
    Thank you for joining us at CAS on Sunday.
